Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Something Fierce

Lets start by clearing something up. I love the word fierce. I overuse it. I bend the definition. To me it means gorg, deeeeeevtastic, amazing...etc etc. Basically all things positive. Most of all Erin and I have hand motions/signals that correlate to the use of fierce.

In the spirit of my compulsive list making I have decided to list all things fierce in my eyes.

1. My girlfriends. So fierce, cant even describe it!
2. Fingerless gloves. I said it. I make them look good baby.
3. Big gigantic rings. HUGE...borderline tacky. Fierce.
4. Saying fierce in a fierce voice. Like with big time sass.
5. Overall attitude. Not over the top. Not attention seeking. Not rude. But knowing what you want.
6. Education. To me, being well educated is so fierce.
7. Boots. Flat boots. Heeled boots. Booties.
8. Passion. Passion for life. Being passionate about something. That passion you feel with someone. Now that is fierce.
9. Michael Jackson "The Way You Make Me Feel". I don't care what anyone says. That song is my power song. When I hear it it makes me feel SO FIERCE. Its playing right now at work actually. It is taking every ounce of me not to get up and get real right now.
10. Life. I know, i know. So generic. Not specific enough. What you make of it. I choose to wake up everyday - regardless of what curve ball life has thrown at me and be fierce. I have a dance off with myself every morning. After that I walk out the door with my big ring & fingerless gloves on, knowing that I am fierce.

Get. Real. With. That.

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