Thursday, November 11, 2010

Defining oneself

How do you define define?

To me its description, relation, explanation - etc. How do you define yourself? For some odd reason I have been thinking about how I define myself a lot recently. Maybe its the fact that Im very much stuck in my mid-twenties. Regardless, I have been defining myself in various ways. I have defined myself by my education. I am not married, nor am I anywhere close to that point. I do not have children. I am not in my career. My education is who I am. I am not the wife, the mother, or the career woman - etc. I am the forever student who is married to her education, gave birth to her education, and who works her tail off for it.

Up until yesterday I defined myself by my education.

I was talking with my boyfriend and I asked how he defined himself. His answer was unbelievable. He didnt define his "roles" in life. More so defined his personalty traits. I told him my definition of myself. "My education defines me" I said. He looked at me like I was crazy. He told me how he would define me. It really made me think.

So now as I sit at this computer with piles of school paper next to me, a work phone ringing off the hook, and a to do list like you have never seen before, I realize that school does not define me. It is very very important to me. At this point in my education I pretty much sleep and breathe it. But it is not who I am. It is helping me to become who I will be. So Im still thinking of ways to define me. But I will say freaking fierce.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Embracing your flaws

First thing is first. Embrace your flaws. In order to be happy, successful, - and most importantly FIERCE - you have to know your flaws and love them. Love them to the point that they no longer become the burden of the flaw.

To prove my point, I will put a few of them out there. Oh yes, the only child is showing ownership! Remember this day - because I dont do it too often...

1. I am always late. I have accepted this a long time ago. I am late to everything I do. Do not take it personally. It is not you. Its me. Gosh, I felt like we just broke up. But really, Im late. If im on time - something is wrong.

2. I take on TOO much. I commit to too many jobs, tasks, plans, assignments, meetings, clubs, organizations, and positions.

3. I dont get enough sleep. That girl in the starbucks parking lot you see sleeping before she goes in to get her 3rd cup of coffee? Yeah - thats me.

4. I have newly discovered that I have road rage. Its pretty bad. Im pretty sure it will get me in big trouble one day.

5. I cannot spell and I my grammar is terrible. Thank God for spell-check.

6. I am the mouthy Redskins fan. I embrace the hell out of this. Its not a flaw to be a Redskins fan by any means. But the mouth and the amount of talking I do is pretty unladylike.

7. I am 100% addicted to my blackberry. I will lie right to your face about my addiction - but its pretty bad.

8. If I didnt write it down I will forget it.

9. I have a hard time telling people how I feel. My gut - my honest feelings. You will probably never know. Unless your name is sam. Then I crush you all the time :)

10. THIS THIS THIS! read this! this is trueee! love love loveeee!

...and for those of you who cant embrace your own flaws - or mine. Well then take a slice of this...

An Ode to The Core

...the people have spoken. A lot. Bring back the blog! Alright. Here goes nothing. No pressure or anything, right?

Let me start by saying that I dedicate this to the core. What is the core? Ah, I thought you'd never ask...

The core. Well - my verision of the core is the core group of people in your life. They can be made up of a variety of different people - and by any means do not have to be apart of the same circles. My core is of a variety of ages, genders, races, and even gingers (yes - you gingers I consider you a breed of your own). Bringing together the core is a rarity, and I don't know if I have ever 100% successfully accomplished such a task. To be honest, I don't think my core could all sit in the same room together and love each other as much as I love each of them. Would my OCSer blend with my little emo nugget? It would be hard to say. Each of them has impacted me in a way they will probably never know - taught me a lesson about life or myself - that no one else could have. Are all of my friends apart of my core? No. That wouldn't make sense. Core can be defined as the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything. If everyone was defined this way then it would lose its meaning. I would never shout from the rooftops who my core is. I dont want to hurt anyone or make anyone's head already bigger than it is ;) But I will say one thing - its a fierce title to have - and by god - get real with your own core.

Thats my core. You define your core. And sometimes, your core defines you.

Okay, so I had to get a little emo to start with. But I have a few topics of my sleeve that are pretty "real". So prepare yourselves - and don't say I didn't warn you. After all - this is an ode to getting real...